Nevertheless, I am glad my best friend came over and spend some quality time with me. We enjoyed the full round moon that's slowly being swallowed by the soft candy-like clouds. It always make me sad to look at the moon. It is so pure and bright with a pearly glow. Moon always shining with this sad tragic yet beautiful aura. As I stare at it, something tightens in my heart.
We may not be always be able to meet, be to together, spend times with each other. Some times just even want to have a chat over a cup of coffee also seems impossible. My good friends are scattered all over the world like in UK,NZ, Sg, TW, etc etc. That day Chris and I were talking how even though we feel very close to each other. But physically we are far away. Thanks for modern tech we can communicate everyday but also thanks to it, everyone is running across the globe all over. Taking a flight is like taking a bus nowadays. The whole experience is not the same or as glamorous as last time.
I miss you all. I miss you dear. A smile on your face fills my heart with happiness. It is just how sad all happy things will come to an end. Like no matter how great was a party, it will still have to end. No matter how I wish I can spend all my time with you, I know it is impossible. Just wish can see you a bit more and now that you are wekk. That's enough for me.
As people grows up and gets older, you will realize how good friends are hard to come by. Everyone can be nice, friendly and all. But the someone that can touch your heart and be close to you no matter how far you both are, how long you two never contact, but once met again, it was just like yesterday that we part. I am glad I am lucky to have met such good friends in my life. Love you all.
希望情人能夠相愛到永遠, 即使分隔兩地也會互相思念. 共看一輪明月, 想著對方.
明月幾時有? 把酒問青天. 不知天上宮闕, 今夕是何年?
我欲乘風歸去, 唯恐瓊樓玉宇, 高處不勝寒.
起舞弄清影, 何似在人間?
轉朱閣, 低綺戶, 照無眠.
不應有恨, 何事長向別時圓?
人有悲歡離合, 月有陰晴圓缺, 此事古難全!
但願人長久, 千里共嬋娟.
Everytime I will be so touched when I listen to this song. Tears will be dripping down my cheeks as I remembered all my family and friends. No matter how far they are, just hope everything is well with them. Hope that eventhough we are in different countries on different lands, when we look up we can enjoy the same beautiful Moon.
意思是希望他所惦念的人能夠永遠長久平安. 即使各在千里之外。
這是對遠方親友的懷念, 也是對惦念人而的祝福 ----祝福他一切美好.
1 comment:
中秋节快乐 to you too, me dear. That was a very touching post. Ppl need to appreciate the little things around them more like u do.
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